Juegos desarrollados por CASE

1 juegos lanzados desde 2020

1 proyectos en desarrollo

Portada The Parrot That Summons Demons

The Parrot That Summons Demons

Ficción interactiva

Novelas visuales




Once the pet of an evil worshiper... Now adopted by an unlucky family! THE PARROT THAT SUMMONS DEMONS is a horror FMV visual novel featuring a dark and unsettling story with several playable characters and numerous endings.

Portada Bloody Service

Bloody Service (2020)



Ficción interactiva

Novelas visuales

Elige tu propia aventura

The conjoined twins were bullied and humiliated... Now justice will be served! BLOODY SERVICE is a dark, gory and violent coming-of-age slasher FMV Visual Novel with gruesome deaths and clever one-liners related to tennis. Game, set, machete!

ARS$ 9,850.53 🧉

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